"A third year B.S.-M.S. Mathematics guy who is too much into coding and gaming.
A little bit narcissist as well."
Skills that I am proud of and I think will be benefitial for me.
Subjects I have studied and education completed.
We had a complete introductory course for java including OOPs concept.
Passed ICSE with flying colors.
Self-Taught till Advanced
Basic 2d Game Making, i learnt from Youtube.
Studied advanced matlab in university fr numerical analysis.
The turtle and the pen has alwys been familiar to me.
Through Maharashtra Higher Secondary Board.
C++ was a mandatory course for our classes
Learning a new Os was very benefitial to understand UNIX.
Some aspects of Mathematics and Computer Science I am looking into or I hope to look into for the future.
So that I won't feel lonely.
Facebook : /naksatra.bailung
Yahoo : nkbailung@yahoo.in
Gmail : naksatrabailung1@gmail.com
College : nkb17ms032@iisekrol.ac.in
Github : /Nukerty
Steam : /id/nk1_b