Work and Lab

I am broadly interested in working in Paleontology and paleobiology. During my stay in IISER Kolkata i worked under Dr. Devapriya Chattopadhyay, Assistant professor, Dept. of Earth Sciences, IISER Kolkata.

Setup for clicking pictures of samples

I am interested in invertebrate paleontology. My current projects are fairly diverse ranging from Paleoecology to the biotic interaction in recent molluscs, paleoclimate reconstruction, prey predator relationships using drill hole proxy and taphonomy. Currently I am working on three projects.

1. The first one deals with the Molluscan paleoecology and their diversity from the Kutch, India (Miocene). And the effect of climatic fluctuations on the biodiversity of Molluscs.

2. The second project is on taphonomy where we are experimentally determining the effect of lithification on preserving predation marks.

3. The last project is an experiment on live Naticid gastropods. Here we are experimentally assessing the effect of hunger on several aspects of drilling predation of Naticid gastropods.

(From left)1. Mollusc samples from Kutch, India, 2. Neontological srtup (Salt water aquarium).

In the field, Kutch, 2013

In the field, Kutch, 2014

Currently I am working under Dr. Christopher K Junium as a PhD student and am a member of the GAPP group at the Department of Earth Sciences, Syracuse University.